Keith Collins, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at SAS, is passionate about delivering on the promise of Big Analytics as the key to unlocking the potential of Big Data. Prior to becoming CIO at SAS, Keith directed SAS’ Research and Development strategies, including 13 years as Chief Technology Officer. His latest charter is to redefine the role of IT from a tactic to a strategy and to accelerate the use of SAS in the Cloud. His years of working with SAS customers to develop new products help him inspire the teams he leads today to interact in ways that bring value and innovation to each project.
Keith graduated from North Carolina State University with a degree in computer science. He is a founding member of his alma mater’s computer science advisory board. In 2003, NCSU named him a Distinguished Engineering Alumnus. Keith also serves as an advisor for Bull City Venture Partners and is a patron of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Technology is a hobby as well as a career for Keith, but he also finds time to ski (liquid and frozen) and to enjoy sun, sand and friends at the beach.
Follow him on LinkedIn and on Twitter @keithcollins.