Data storage considerations for your digital transformation Digital transformation may well be the IT story of the year, if not the decade. But while many...
If big data is so valuable, could it ever be taxed? It’s Tax Day in the United States, with April 15 marking the deadline by which U.S. residents must...
SDN: Your weapon for business agility Software-defined networking (SDN) is beginning to be adopted in nearly every industry. Just a few...
Big data can unlock healthcare's potential, but consumers have to demand it Our healthcare system is great at throwing off a lot of data, but that data has very little power...
3 factors to consider when working with predictive analytics Contrary to what your parents told you, you are not as unique as a snowflake. This is in part what...
How one marketing analytics CIO is approaching infrastructure growth Gartner several years ago predicted that chief marketing officers (CMOs) would spend more on IT than...
From client labs to big data: How Vanguard has evolved customer experience It’s been fascinating to watch the evolution of client-focused design over the years. At Vanguard we...
Big data 2.0: Mining the deep learnings of data-driven projects The problem with big data analytics is that there’s simply too much data to process. Simply stuffing...
Could graph databases help you get more out of your data? More and more organizations are using graph databases rather than relational databases, says Johan...
Take these steps to adopt a big data approach to security As organizations race to acquire the means to capture, store and mine vast quantities of data, there...