How we’re using AI: Bayer Crop Science CIO AI is changing the rules of R&D, supply chain, and customer relationship management in our...
The state of AI in the enterprise: 10 telling stats How many of your peers already use AI? What are they spending? How’s the talent market? Let’s...
3 reasons data hoarding may not pay off Seth Godin recently argued that more marketing data is not always better: In fact, it may hinder...
What's next for Kubernetes and hybrid cloud Meet Knative, Istio, KubeVirt, and Kubeflow – four emerging technologies to watch if you’re using...
AI vs. machine learning: What's the difference? When you're asked to evaluate the potential of AI or ML to solve your organization's problems, you'd...
How to select an AI pilot project: 5 criteria To create a tangible, actionable starting point for AI in your organization, you need to identify a...
When AI meets customer service: 5 questions to ask Don’t frustrate customers who want to talk to a human. Ask these questions to find the right balance...
How to identify an AI opportunity: 5 questions to ask Could AI solve that problem? Speed that process? Five important things you should ask to unearth AI...
10 TED Talks on AI and machine learning How will AI reshape your career? Your health? Your ability to tell real from fake video? Recent TED...
Artificial intelligence: Examples of how to start successfully CIOs have moved from talking about AI to trying to jumpstart projects. But what kind of projects...