Week-in-Review: The elusive data scientist

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In this week's edition of news for IT pros, we share articles on how CIOs are addressing big data skills gaps and challenges.

Tacking big data issues with data science

It's hard to believe the term “data scientist” has only been around eight years. Now, it's one of the most in-demand careers in IT. Last year, DJ Patil, who co-coined the term, was appointed by the White House as the first U.S. Chief Data Scientist. In an interview with Science Friday, Patil reflects on his first year in the role and where the industry is heading. On what it means to be a data scientist, he says, “The number one thing about data scientists’ job description is that it’s amorphous. There’s no specific thing that you do; the work kind of embodies all these different things. You do whatever you need to do to solve a problem.”

Finding someone who can fill this amorphous role, however, is a challenge. And many CIOs and IT leaders feel underprepared for the influx of data coming into their organizations, according to Bain Insights. As CIOs find themselves struggling to find the best talent from a limited data scientist pool, partnering with other C-level executives may be the solution, according to Sharron Goldman in an article for CIO. She argues, “The CIO and CFO need to work together to develop a clear strategy for data-driven investments — including the investment in data talent.” The result, she says, will be engaging the right talent to focus on the most strategic business opportunities and problems.

The alternative – focusing on the wrong problems – is just one of the enemies of big data analysis. Adrian Bridgwater highlights seven others in an article for Forbes. Bridgwater alludes to the next IT skill gap on the horizon: “Data engineers: These are the good guys that can help us fight the big data enemies at the front line.”

More news for CIOs

Volume, velocity, and variety: Understanding the three V's of big data [ZDNet]

3 ways CIOs can transform digital marketing [Chief Marketer]

10 characteristics of extraordinary CIOs [Huffington Post]

Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.