We scoured Twitter and hand-picked 21 accounts we believe will add value to the Twitter streams of CIOs and IT leaders. Everyone on this list tweets on a regular basis (a key criteria we used when vetting candidates) and shares either insights or news we think will be of special interest to IT executives.
Whether you’re new to Twitter, an old pro, or you’re dusting off a Twitter account you created years ago but haven’t used, we encourage you to enrich your stream by following these accounts. Want more? See our 2015 who-to-follow on Twitter list.
Peter Weis
Follow @peterfweis
Twitter Bio: Global CIO, speaker, teacher, golfer, skier, family guy. Tweeting about IT transformation, leadership, music, movies and finding meaning in business...
Why to follow: Peter is the CIO of public shipping company Matson, Inc. (and an Enterpriser - read his latest article) and is passionate about helping leaders find meaning in the work they do. For that reason, he frequently tweets links to inspiring leadership articles. And let’s face it, we can all use some uplifting guidance in our Twitter feed.
Tom Simonite
Follow @tsimonite
Twitter Bio: tech editor on the west coast for Technology Review [email protected]
Why to follow: Tom writes for MIT Technology Review and leads coverage of news coming out of Silicon Valley. His Twitter stream will keep you informed on the latest disruptive technologies, cyber security issues, drones, Bitcoin, Google, Elon Musk, Uber, and more.
Patty Hatter
Follow @PattyHatter
Twitter Bio: VP and GM, ISecIT and CIO @IntelSecurity focusing on driving world-class operational effectiveness. Loves skiing, yoga and keeping people safe online.
Why to follow: Recently named a Transformational CIO of the Year by HMG Strategy for her work at Intel Security, Patty is passionate about advancing women in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers, embracing change as a leader, and CIOs and CISOs working collaboratively on security issues.
Miguel A. Gamiño Jr.
Follow @SFCityCIO
Twitter Bio: Civic Technologist | CIO of the Greatest City in the World & Executive Director of Department of Technology | City & County of San Francisco |@miguelgamino
Why to follow: Miguel’s LinkedIn profile says that he is “in constant pursuit of civilization impact through innovation and technology,” and he upholds that mission by championing great examples of the two via his Twitter stream. Follow Miguel for some uplifting inspiration.
Victor Fetter
Follow @vpfetter
Twitter Bio: Passionate about #Innovation,#Leadership and #Digital transformation.#CIO, @LPL Financial. Member SIPC http://www.sipc.org
Why to follow: Victor is the CIO at LPL Financial. As an internationally experienced CIO, he understands the value of digital technology in corporate transformation. Victor closely follows CIO news on social media and frequently tweets the latest articles and news relevant to IT leaders.
Harvard Business Review
Follow @HarvardBiz
Twitter Bio: Improving the practice of management.
Why to follow: The go-to source for news, research, and opinions on leadership, strategy and innovation, and big ideas, Harvard Business Review offers CIOs plenty of management advice and technology updates. Yes, we've included the pub on our must-follow list before, but for good reason. This is the quintessential account to follow for guidance on being a better leader.
Terry Bradwell
Follow @terry_bradwell
Twitter Bio: Technologist, Innovator, Dreamer, and just a cool dude (so my son says). Passionate about making the world a better place. Views expressed are just mine.
Why to follow: Terry, an Enterpriser, is Chief Enterprise and Innovation Officer for AARP. With “innovation” in his title, it’s no surprise that his tweets reflect a mix of the innovation he encounters in technology for the 50+ demographic, as well as articles for IT leaders on creating a culture of innovation within their own organizations.
Will Weider
Follow @candidcio
Twitter Bio: Healthcare CIO, Ministry Health Care. Technology lover. Urban dweller. Appleton Downtown, Inc. Board. Crohn's research advocate.
Why to follow: Will is the CIO at Ministry Health Care, and his tweets, as indicated by his Twitter handle, are candid. He tweets about technology, but you can also expect to see a tweet about how mathematicians figured out a better way to slice pizza or the latest alternative rock album you need to add to your playlist.
Stephen diFilipo
Follow @S_dF
Twitter Bio: #ProductiveImpatience~HuffPo Top Social CIO~Higher Ed~#BYOD Wizard~Speaker~Tech Thought Leader~Early Adopter~Change Agent~Provocateur~Media Ecology~Irreverent
Why to follow: Stephen is a strategic advisor and expert on BYOD and emerging and disruptive technologies. He shares the latest news and research on mobile devices and gadgets, especially as it relates to how schools and businesses are finding news ways of learning and collaborating through technology.
MIT CIO Symposium
Follow @mitcio
Twitter Bio: The premier #CIO event bringing together IT executives from around the world, technology innovators & leading faculty from MIT Curators: @NinaLytton @AllanRTate
Why to follow: We wouldn’t ordinarily recommend following a Twitter handle for an event because many event organizers let their Twitter handles remain inactive for most of the year. But, the @mitcio account is active all year round - sharing links to technical and leadership topics and industry news for CIOs. Bonus: The account’s curators often take the time to add commentary to the news they are sharing, giving followers food for thought in their Twitter stream.
Mark Thiele
Follow @mthiele10
Twitter Bio: EVP Data Center. Family, Friends, Cloud, Leadership, Agile IT, Cars, & Wine. Work at Switch SUPERNAP. Founder Data Center Pulse
Why to follow: An active participant in #CIOchat and blogger for SwitchScribe, Mark channels his 20+ years of IT experience into thoughtful articles on the issues facing CIOs. He shares these and other IT experts’ insights on his Twitter page.
Brian Moyer
Follow @bdmoyer
Twitter Bio: #HealthIT, #CIO, #HIMSS Fellow,#Entrepreneur, Cyclist, Husband, Papa (learning something new every day and figuring it out as I go)
Why to follow: Brian is the CIO at Gaffey Healthcare. He is a must-follow if you work in IT in the healthcare industry, but he also tweets about issues that all CIOs face. In addition to Twitter, he also contributes regularly to his LinkedIn blog page.
Sabine Everaet
Follow @S_Everaet
Twitter Bio: Europe Group CIO, The Coca-Cola Company
Why to follow: Sabine shares a variety of IT articles with her followers on topics ranging from AI to Internet of Things. If you want to know what other enterprise CIOs are reading on Twitter, Sabine's stream is a good indication. If you don't have time to scan the daily tech headlines yourself, just retweet what Sabine's shares with her followers. Chances are it's something you'll be interested in.
Will Lassalle
Follow @wlassalle
Twitter Bio: Digital Transformational #CIO. Loves to discuss IT Strategy, #Cybersecurity & Emerging Tech. #Changeagent #Top100SocialCIO #IoT #infosec #DevOps #digital #CISO
Why to follow: Ever wanted to learn how to shuck a lot of clams at once? Or learn the dos and don’ts around texting a love interest? You’ll find the occasional gem like these interspersed with timely news and opinions on big data, cyber security, cloud and other IT topics on Lassalle’s Twitter feed.
Chris Curran
Follow @cbcurran
Twitter Bio: #CIO #CTO advisor: IT strategy, emerging technology, architecture & innovation. Partner & Chief Technologist w/ PwC. CIO Dashboard blog author.
Why to follow: Chris is a CIO and CTO advisor at PricewaterhouseCoopers responsible for technology strategy and innovation. If you don’t have time to comb through the interwebs searching for the latest technology breakthrough, Chris is good at tweeting out links to abbreviated summaries to keep you up to speed.
CIO Magazine
Follow @ciomagazine
Twitter Bio: Articles, opinion and advice from http://CIO.com – an IDG Enterprise brand. Also follow @CIOonline.
Why to follow: A top online news destination for CIOs and other IT leaders, follow the CIO twitter stream for news on technology trends and ways IT can help achieve business goals. We've featured CIO Magazine before as a must-follow, and are including it again because we believe a CIO's Twitter stream just wouldn't be the same without it.
David Chou
Follow @dchou1107
Twitter Bio: Top 100 Social #CIO & Top 100 #Healthcare CIO to know. #Global Healthcare IT Leader, Keynote Speaker, Golfer, Bball, #healthIT, #mhealth, #hitsm #digital
Why to follow: David is a global healthcare CIO focused on maximizing technology investments. Short and to the point, David tweets a mix of business headlines relevant to CIOs and IT leaders, as well as pertinent VC funding rounds with an eye towards healthcare.
Raechelle Clemmons
Follow @rclemmons
Twitter Bio: VP & CIO @stnorbert, Frye fellow, proud geeky girl & occasional #geekrockstar, passionate about gender equity & the transformative power of technology.
Why to follow: Raechelle is the vice president and CIO of St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin. She tweets passionately about the importance of collaboration among leaders within IT with an eye towards education and diversity. Her recent thread on what makes a resilient leader will inspire you.
Mark Jones
Follow @MrMarkAJones
Twitter Bio: Technology Director @PwC UK
Why to follow: Mark is PricewaterhouseCooper’s primary CIO advisor when it comes to transforming IT services within the industrial products sector. As such, he tweets about future technology trends and strategies CIOs should be taking into consideration. He's also great at using hashtags, so if you've ever wondered how to use hashtags effectively on Twitter, turn to Mark as a guide.
Myles Suer
Follow @MylesSuer
Twitter Bio: Business Strategist. Focused on solutions to help orgs succeed with great data & analytics. #CIOChat facilitator. Work @Informatica. Opinions are mine.
Why to follow: Myles, Chief Platform Strategist at Informatica, owns the development of market relevant solutions for the CIOs, CFOs and Enterprise Architects. Don't miss his #CIOChat series on Twitter where CIOs gather to discuss how to strategize about the latest IT solutions.
The Enterprisers Project
Follow @4enterprisers
Twitter Bio: Community of business-minded IT leaders exploring the evolving role of CIOs as they drive business strategy and inspire enterprise-wide innovation.
Why to follow: We keep our Twitter stream filled with links to articles and tips from fellow CIOs. We hope you're already following us, but if not, please consider adding us so you never miss articles and Q&As from our community of CIOs.