15 must-follow Twitter accounts for daily DevOps insights

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20 people CIOs should follow on Twitter

The DevOps movement is quickly gaining steam across every major industry vertical and playing a significant role in culture, leadership, and business transformation. To help you keep up with the latest on DevOps culture and practices, we’ve compiled a list of 15 Twitter accounts that will help keep a healthy dose of all things DevOps in your Twitter stream.

How did we choose who made the cut? We searched a variety of social tools including Twitter search, Klout, and Sprout Social, to see who was tweeting about DevOps. Then we reviewed the Twitter feeds of the top ~100 results to see what these folks were actually tweeting about. Those who made the list *regularly* tweeted about DevOps, continuous delivery, lean principles, etc. We tried to add some color about why we think these folks are worth a follow. Our list includes developers, media outlets, conferences, consultants and some other fun accounts we think you may find informative and interesting. Enjoy.


Matthias Marschall aka @mmarschall

Twitter bio: CTO. Writer. Learner. Passionate about all things #DevOps. Author of #leanbitesbook together with @danackerson
Why to follow: Marschall is the author of "Lean Bites - How to create flow in your organization" and a keynote speaker on DevOps. He's also blogged about agile development and operations since 2008 at agileweboperations.com. Follow Marschall for nitty-gritty technical tips from him and those he retweets around Chef, Scrum, Kanban, and more.


DevOps Reactions aka @devopsreactions

Twitter bio: Say it with pictures. Describe your feelings about your everyday sysadmin interactions.
Why to follow: A Twitter feed for hilarious Tumblr “DevOps Reactions,” which features a regular stream of funny GIFs that seem to perfectly capture the trials and tribulations of development and operations teams everywhere. Among them, a GIF of a tractor-trailer slowly sliding into a van as it makes a wide right turn with the caption: “When your deploy breaks other stuff.” Follow simply for the laughs and to have something fun to retweet every now and then.


Damon Edwards aka @damonedwards

Twitter bio: DevOps and improving how businesses operate is my thing. SimplifyOps, DTO Solutions, my family get all of my time. Sometimes I write at dev2ops.org
Why to follow: An advocate for DevOps since its early days, Edwards writes, speaks and even co-hosts a podcast on the topic, DevOps Cafe. His Twitter stream is packed with commentary, links, and retweets on all things DevOps. And it’s not just one-way communication, Edwards regularly engages others on the topic, joining their conversations or replying to his followers.


Em Campbell-Pretty aka @PrettyAgile

Twitter bio: Enterprise Lean / Agile Coach. Blogger, Speaker & World Traveller. Passionate about Teams, Culture, Leadership, Collaboration, Scaling Agile & Data Warehousing
Why to follow: If you’ve ever tried live-tweeting an event, you know it can be tough to squeeze a thoughtful quote into 140 characters. Campbell-Pretty, an active participant in the global agile community, has live-tweeting down to a science. Her recent tweets from LAST Conference (Lean, Agile, and Systems Thinking) are a mix of inspiring quotes about leadership and culture. And it doesn’t stop there, Campbell-Pretty regularly shares inspirational team-building quotes, especially useful for those working through trust issues with development and operations teams. 


Gene Kim aka @RealGeneKim

Twitter bio: DevOps enthusiast, The Phoenix Project co-author, Tripwire founder, Visible Ops co-author, IT Ops/Security Researcher, Theory of Constraints Jonah, rabid UX fan
Why to follow: Kim, award-winning expert and author on all things DevOps (see his bio for books he’s authored), is a huge fan of IT operations. His passion for DevOps is contagious. Follow him for updates on the DevOps movement, information security, and IT Ops.


O’Reilly Velocity aka @velocityconf

Twitter bio: Join web performance, DevOps & continuous delivery experts at http://velocityconf.com
Why to follow: Not only will you get a behind the scenes peek at what's happening on stage at the O'Reilly Velocity conferences taking place this October in New York and Amsterdam, you'll also find a steady stream of retweets and links curated for DevOps and IT professionals. Follow O'Reilly Velocity and feel like you are at the heart of the conference.


Jez Humble aka @jezhumble

Twitter bio: Co-author of Continuous Delivery and Lean Enterprise, lecturer @BerkeleyISchool. I tweet on software, innovation, social & economic justice.
Why to follow: If you can’t catch Humble on the DevOps speaking circuit, you can catch him on Twitter where he shares links to resources for continuous delivery training and commentary. He also mixes in some tweets on social and economic justice, so if that’s close to your heart, then Humble is is a must-follow for a blend of technical and advocacy news. 


Denise Dubie aka @DDubie

Twitter bio: Strategic Content Creator @CAInc, editor/writer/techie focused on App Economy, DevOps, Mobility, ITSec.& Mgmt., Cloud; former Network World/IDG tech journo.
Why to follow: Dubie shares insights and articles and whitepapers on DevOps, digital transformation, and continuous delivery from CA technologies. Lately, among her informative shares, she's also been peppering in some of her favorite song covers, in addition to retweets from IT pros and influencers like Vala Afshar.


DevOps.com aka @devopsdotcom

Twitter bio: Where The World Meets #DevOps. If interested in contributing original content, email [email protected], title subject as: Contributor via Twitter
Why to follow: Dedicated to education and community building on the topic of DevOps, DevOps.com is a website with a mission to “cover all aspects of DevOps—philosophy, tools, business impact, best practices and more.” Follow its Twitter stream so you never miss a new post from this newish website.  

Eric Minick aka @EricMinick

Twitter bio: Leading horses to #DevOps. @UrbanCode Guy. My views are my own.
Why to follow: Minick has a passion for improving IT culture through the use of DevOps and tools such as Continuous Delivery, and his passion is evident in his tweets. Follow him for links to DevOps-related articles, videos, demos, and conference recaps – and occasionally links about rotting shark flesh.

Jayne Groll aka @ITSM_Jayne

Twitter bio: Evangelist for all things ITSM, ITIL, Agile, Scrum and DevOps. President of ITSM Academy.
Why to follow: You will frequently see Groll joining in on DevOps-focused Twitter chats or sharing links about its importance in IT today. She refers to DevOps as a “superframework that supports organizational agility,” and she is an advocate for DevOps training and certification. Follow Groll for the latest insight into keeping your DevOps skills sharp.

Arrested DevOps aka @ArrestedDevOps

Twitter bio: There's always DevOps in the Banana Stand. Hosted by @mattstratton, @trevorghess, & @bridgetkromhout
Why to follow: Arrested DevOps is not only a clever play off the show that made the Bluth family famous, it's also an insightful podcast for DevOps professionals. Episodes of the podcast cover a wide range of topics, from how to build a career around DevOps, to addressing disasters, to how to change the culture within organizations. Follow Arrested DevOps for information on upcoming shows or to ask questions during their live streams.

DOES Summit aka @DOESummit

Twitter bio: The event for people who are bringing Lean principles into the IT value stream while building #DevOps & #ContinuousDelivery into their organization.
Why to follow: In its second year, the DevOps Enterprise Summit is billed as “THE event for people who are bringing Lean principles into the IT value stream while building DevOps and Continuous Delivery into their organization.” Are you one of those people? Then you’ll appreciate the steady stream of curated links shared on the event’s Twitter feed. 


Amy DeMartine aka @AmyDeMartine

Twitter bio: @Forrester Senior Analyst covering the Ops of DevOps, keeping it real, this life is like the sweetest thing I've ever known
Why to follow: As senior analyst at Forrester Research, DeMartine has been assembling a playbook of practical tips to help organizations move in the direction of a DevOps model. Through Twitter, she engages with other DevOps pros that you see on this list, like Gene Kim and Damon Edwards, shares her ongoing research, and comments from the speaking circuit.

Steve Brodie aka @stbrodie

Twitter bio: Engineer turned high-growth executive, CEO of @ElectricCloud, #DevOps evangelist and closet #Seahawk fan.
Why to follow: If you’re looking for a curated stream of regular news and opinion pieces on DevOps, follow Brodie. The CEO of ElectricCloud, Brodie regularly tweets relevant articles for DevOps practitioners, naturally including content from ElectricCloud’s own Continuous Discussions online form on Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery.


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